Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thing 13 - LibraryThing

I read about LibraryThing a few months ago when flipping through a library journal at the reference desk and decided that I needed to check it out. I really like it! I think it is super neat. I have entered the books I have read and own and want to read. Okay, it's not all the books I've ever read, but just those since I've been in college and have come to value my breaks in between semesters as times when I can squeeze in as many books for pleasure as I possibly can (I'm a religion major and about each semester, I have one class that demands I read a book a week ... and at least 3 other classes with a good amount of required reading, so I don't have time for my own reading during the semester). Also, I only added the novels I read, not any of my reference books, though I am considering adding them. I have played around with the site, but I don't think I've ever read something because another user reccommends it - though I'm not saying that I wouldn't. In Thing 9, one of the reccommended database subjects was books that I want to read - I thought it would be silly to create a database for something that already has a whole website dedicated to just that (and more!).

In the (real-life) library this could be a neat tool to display reccommended books, best sellers, or new books (mmm...I love new books...). It would also be a good tool for finding other books with the same subject or those rated well - this could be helpful at the reference desk (especially when the library catalog is being a pain).

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