Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thing 17 - Podcasts

I've been really positive about the last few Things. Not so much for this one. I have gone and sat in class for an hour at a time for at least 3 days a week for the last, oh, I don't know, 16 years, listening to a teacher lecture about a topic. So I ask you this: What on earth makes you think I would want to come home and listen to some random other person talk for any length of time? I've never been a fan of talk radio, and that's pretty much all this is. Okay, so it's more accessible on both the making and receiving ends, but I don't see why I would listen to a podcast unless maybe it was done by someone I know - the same problem blogs have. I kinda get the comedy podcasts and if you were using your podcast for a lecture (say for a seminar), that's great, but I don't see why I would voluntarily listen to them or clog up my mp3 player with them. What happened to enjoying silence? Am I the only one who doesn't need to be listening to something every waking moment? I really only listen to music when I'm driving or working out and I never turn the TV on just for background noise.

That is all...sorry for my negativity....

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