I am not a big fan of flickr. It is not very user friendly, and that means a lot coming from me. It is very frustrating and you must take very circuitous routes to get where you want to get. Flickr makes me mad. Sorry, it just does. I would much rather use facebook to share my photos with people. Okay, okay, I thought of one thing I do like about flickr - I like that you can search everyone's photos for something you want, kinda like google image search. I have found some great desktop images this way. But that's all that I like about it.
As far as using flickr in the library, I think it is a good idea for posting pictures of events. However, the issue of consent comes up because posting pictures of people on the internet is sometimes a touchy subject. Okay, I'm ready to be done with flickr for the moment...and now I will post a picture of my BFF to get me out of my rant: