Monday, January 12, 2009

Thing 1 - Blogs

I first heard of the 23 Things from my mom, a library media specialist. After she told me about it, I looked up what the Things were and found that I have already done at least half of them and the ones I hadn't didn't seem interesting to me so I wasn't interested in participating. However, after I heard that there will be prizes for completing the 23 Things, I changed my mind.

About me: I am a page at the Tower Road branch library and I am finishing up my Bachelors at UF this semester - my major is Religon with a minor in Art History. At the moment, I am in the process of applying to grad school for a Masters of Library Science. I am 22 years old, so I have grown up with the internet and what it apparently called Web 2.0 (I will get to that in its appropriate Thing). Thus, I am, as my mom has dubbed me, a digital native (like a native language speaker). I am good with computers and the internet in general and I end up being called over for help at work often. I plan on not only attempting, but accomplishing all of the challenges that go along with the Things. I can help with the Things I know about and probabaly the Things I don't as well.

Okay, now for the actual Thing 1 assignment. I don't really think there really is anything to know about blogs. They are just like an online journal, I think. I did, however, like the "Blogs in Plain English" video posted on the 23 Things blog. But, I feel like the video presents blogs as something that was originally used for news purposes (in the classic sense) and then became something that individuals caught on to in order to create public journals. I think it has been the other way around, but I could be a bit biased since as a teenager, all my friends had online diaries on and whatnot to post all their OMG! moments and I wasn't terribly interested in "official" news at the time. I started a few of these online journals, but I never cared enough to keep up with them (don't worry, that won't happen here).

As far as setting up the blog went (I'm not crazy about the word "blog", by the way - it just sounds ugly), it was very easy. But, like I said, I may be a little biased. I am a fan of a few blogs, some of which don't offer much in the way of text, but they are blogs nonetheless.
A few of my favorites: - the local yarn store here in Gainesville (I'm a knitter) - a blog created just to show off neat merchandise on the internet; I have discovered so many cool online shops from this website, it has become an invaluable resource; the one drawback about this blog is that I am not attracted to everything zombie and pirate like the blogger, but I just skip over those posts and - anyone who knows me is aware of my love for animals, especially puppies
I could keep going but I'm sure a number of others will be mentioned in my later Thing posts.

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